Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Great Ideas from 5 great bosses

1. Become a small picture kind of boss - the best leaders will bring overall goals and objectives down to the smallest details of individual jobs. Learn to help everyone, at every level.

2. Nuke the Blackberry when at home - Many execs say their organization can't run without them. You might be surprised to learn the percentage of bosses who never check messages or emails after hours.

3. Stop treating vacations as an option - top execs use the vacations to re-charge and clear their minds. These ones say that their breaks make them more effective and creative.

4. Improve the preparation for hiring new players - Most organizations do really crappy interviewing. Now more than ever anyone joining your organization is well screened and the best firt for the job.

5. Develop your memory - The best leaders remember names, job roles, hobbies, partner's names, and more.

6. Exercise your body as well as your mind - enough said

7. Learn these words: "I made a mistake" and then say them as required.

8. Track how your spend your time - the finest managers spend their time where the best payoff is likely to come.

9. Don't demi-task - Top execs know that nobody can multitask effectively over the long haul. They've figured out how to focus with laser-like precision.

10. Celebrate success

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