Monday, April 6, 2009

Get a Job

It is a great, grand, and wonderful thing to want to save the world and those living on it and in it.

But I have a bit of a, hmmmmm, what is the word....bone to pick?

When you're a student...and I'm talking from middle school until college graduation, no-one blinks if you are out protesting (peacefully) or supporting great causes. In fact, doing those things throughout your life is an amazing accomplishment...but when you are an adult, have a source of income that allows you to do good for others without borrowing from others.

I keep getting these blog announcements and bulletins about how people are saving the world, animals, children, the earth and these "people" keep borrowing money because they are unwilling to go get a job, they think they deserve to live a certain way, with certain perks and WE as their friends and acquaintances should be willing to sign a personal check because they can't pay their electrical bill or their car payment.

If you're going to head up a big endeavor to save something; the planet, the animals, the children raise money as you would for any charity or fundraiser.

Get a job. I'm sorry that your degree in business or marketing or political science isn't what you want to do with your life. Join the club.

When you already owe most of your friends and family thousands of dollars...don't keep pumping that well because it is dry and you have not intention of paying anything back. "When this takes off, I'll pay you back." When what takes off? When a good cause gets money from you exactly how is that a windfall for you?

Oh, and when you ask for thousands of dollars because your car broke down and you don't have any income don't get angry and upset because your friends won't give you the money. They've had's over...and honestly you've pretty much lost a friend.

There is nothing wrong with lending a friend or a family member money. We've all done it...and everyone usually pay it back when they can...that is to say...when they get income, they pay some or all of it back.

Don't rely upon your looks and your sparkling personality on this one. It might work the first time and it might work with strangers but it's so not working with friends.

When you do owe a friend money don't disappear. That says only one thing. "I'm not paying you back, I have no intention of paying you back."

Yes, we'd all like to live on the coast and drive a German car and wear designer clothes and go out every night to dinner or cocktails and not have to work.

But most of us don't live on the coast, don't drive a German car (at least if we do we can afford the monthly lease and insurance and repair costs) we cook at home six out of seven nights.

Yes, you can razzle-dazzle the "in-crowd" by being cool and such a humanitarian until they find out you owe everyone and really your shallowness in one area overshadows your good intentions.

Get a job.

There are many, many people that work at their careers or their jobs and quietly designate "x" number of hours in community service. They don't really brag about it, they just do it because they feel the need to give back or to help those less fortunate. Be one of them. Have some integrity.

Don't call or email us again about how your "friends" are letting you down by not shelling out good money after bad.

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