Friday, June 19, 2009


Maybe it is because I am back in Oklahoma and working downtown with all the glass, metal, and cement that I'm noticing how unGodly hot it is already in June. My guess is that July and August will be l-o-v-e-l-y. It will be like walking in a blast furnace going to the car at 5 p.m. I do have an appointment tomorrow morning to get my hair done (cut & color) perhaps I should just have him shave my head and be done with it. No, wait, I can't do that, my hair keeps the sweat from pouring down my face.
I went with my new boss today to Joe Mamma's for lunch. It was pretty darned good. I had the Italian, I'm not sure there was enough salami and other italian meats on it.
But it was a cool place and I'm told the pizza is incredible and they are open until 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday with live music and serving food. That's great, but it's highly unlikely that I will be out until 3 a.m. Those days are gone. 3 a.m. is prime sleeping time.
It's pretty cool what they are doing in downtown Tulsa...they are making an all-out effort to revitalize it. For way too many years, probably since the 50's or 60's downtown has been the place to work and then go...yes, the Performing Arts Center is here, but let's face it, they used to bring in much bigger performers and shows. If they can kick the ballet and the Opera in the ass and keep the road companies of Broadway showing up then the PAC will work. The BOK Center has been a HUGE shot in the arm...the acts that come thru there are amazing. AEROSMITH is coming for Christ's sake, oh, right, and Britney Spears (God help us all. I'd rather have a sharp stick to the eye than sit thru her concert) ....I've got tickets for three separate concerts thru September and I've already seen two.
But it's the little restaurants and living space that will really make this place shine. I noticed they are completely renovating one of the old buildings on 1st street into Lofts.
I still like my Midtown location but I'm digging working downtown again. It's been over 25 years since I worked here during college breaks. Some thing have changed, a lot.

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