Friday, March 5, 2010

Life in perspective when your Beagle is carrying around a burned shoe

It’s good to be back home.  Life definitely was put back into perspective again a moment ago when Jake was carrying around something black and rubbery looking in his mouth when we were outside.  I was sweeping leaves away from the garage door just off of the kitchen and there are still remnants of the fire there…where the firemen blew out the kitchen window and started throwing stuff out.  Now most of it is cleaned up but I find pieces of broken glass occasionally, scraps of burned things….and Jake found half of a Mary Jane Nike/Cole Hahn shoe that was one of my favorites.  I had forgotten about it until he brought it to me.  They must have been in the kitchen, no doubt where I kicked them off when I came home the night before.  I loved those shoes.  Now I know they burned, baby burned.   I’m sure there are many things that I will completely forget about that are ashes. 

But it’s so good to be back home even with stacks of unopened boxes and missing furniture.  colehaan nike

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