Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Big Three

I mistakenly listened to the media yesterday and the Big Three automakers marketing spin on why the bail out failed on Thursday night. The Republicans were going to pass it but that pesky Union just wouldn't work with them. I even made references, "damned union, they'll all be out on their butts" but it's more, way more than the Union. In fact, God help me for saying it, but the Union, in this case has made more concessions than ANYONE. I don't like unions, I think they have served their purpose, but now is not the time to make the workers take an even deeper cut in pay and benefits and this includes the benefits to the retirees. Do the unions wages case a problem, you are correct. They do. However, if you were offered the option of a $40 an hour job or a $20 an hour job doing the same thing, what would you do? And remember when those contracts were being negotiated and signed the stock holders of GM, Ford, and Chrysler were making money hand over fist....

31 Senators decided to blame this entire mess on the middle class autoworkers instead of making the Big Three agree to strict conditions.

After giving billions and billions to Wall Street with very little examination they are willing to gamble 2,000,000 people's jobs on this. That's right. It is the CEO's, the Board of Directors, and the major stockholders fault this had happened but by God, they will skate, and it will hit middle America hard and that means us.

I by no means think it is fair that we have to bail out the Big Three, there are many many industries that could use the money. But it's the Catch 22. The CEO's and Board of Directors have chosen to not got head to head with the Japanese because they have this idea that Big Oil will always be around and that we are just stupid enough to keep buying their crap. Yet, the numbers show, we buy Japanese. We buy Korean. We want alternative fuel efficient cars.

And now Bush will have to be a hero and bail them out and he will have to. Then we should demand that all three CEO's resign, and leave their golden parachutes behind.

We no longer can sit silently while this happens.

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