Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Obama, now what?

What Obama said was WE can change things. But that means, America, that you have to be paying attention, something you haven't been doing for a while now. This is why corporations, even those that look like political parties (Dems/GOP), run your country and you feel like you don't have any say.

What would you say anyway? This sucks? I hate America? This party or that party sucks? Would you just repeat what you read on Drudge Report or Huffington Post? How about CNN or Fox News? Or maybe NPR?

I think it's fairly safe to say that for a very long time, most Americans had no idea what's been going on in this country. But we always knew what was on sale, whether Comcast was better than Direct TV, or which bar had the NFL Network for those late season Thursday night games. Lots of people kept up with their six fantasy baseball teams and knew that taupe was the new black, but those same people couldn't tell you who their Congressmen were, much less their councilman, District Attorney, Lt Governor or PTA president (all elected officials).

I'm willing to bet that most legal immigrants know more about the United States government and our Constitution that any of us does. Why? Because it's important to them.

And now it's time for some of that information to become important to us. With the housing crisis, the financial crisis, two wars, endless corruption in Washington, massive company failures and subsequent layoffs, skyrocketing unemployment, a plunging dollar, and perhaps the most important Presidential election in 40 years, it's time to start paying attention, and it's time to start getting involved in your country, state, county, city and neighborhood.

(This section is borrowed from another's blog, but it fits perfectly in what I wanted to say).
How? One way is by watching your government, by getting involved, by "being the change you wish to see in the world". It takes your commitment, a change of the way you think, a change in the way you act. It takes common sense.

Here is the easiest part, watch your government:

These are just a few sites where you can make sure your government is serving you. NEVER, EVER, trust the government to do what is right without your guidance.

Next, you can write and call your elected officials:
(end borrowed content)

Wanna know what's going on with the bailout?

That said, this is still your country. It doesn't have to be run by huge corporations that you don't trust or leaders that you no nothing of. Would you drop off your kids at a daycare that you didn't research? Why would you let your country, city, county or even PTA be run by people you don't know or think are unscrupulous?

Inform yourself. Read, listen, and participate. It doesn't take must more than communication to make a lot of the changes that need to be made. If everyone was just paying a little attention and educated themselves using different sources, we would all be much better off, and America will benefit tremendously.

The new president is not your savior. He is a reminder that things are changing all across this country and most of us have not been paying attention at all. It's time to change a lot of things, but most of all, it's time to change your participation!
How to be American again? Do what the Founding Fathers did -- be involved in your country. That's what patriotism is.

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