Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have had enough of the "funny" emails from ultra-conservative Republicans that are racial slurs against the President. Look, he's been in office not two months....and I'm sure you don't agree with anything he is doing because he's trying to fix what one other President did over an 8 year period. AND stop sending the crap that Clinton started all of this because HE balanced the budget and lowered the deficit.

I put up with a Republican President, even supported him at first before I found out he lied about everything, put our military in harm's way, and pretty much screwed up the country.

You can make fun of Obama all you want...but DO NOT send me racial slurs. They aren't funny. I'm not laughing.

Amazingly these don't come from the redneck Oklahoman that only got out of 8th grade...these come from men who are educated, have successful careers and still find this type of childish email funny.

IT isn't. It also isn't funny to send emails about how stupid women are. Ok, we get it, you have issues.

I now ignore and delete all emails from these men....they wonder why I don't respond.

These same people wonder what happened to respect and family values. Well you need to point that racist finger back at yourself and start looking in the mirror.

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