Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Never ok....

I love the message we are still giving to young girls..."it's ok to be hit by your boyfriend"

I find it amazing that this whole Rhianna/Chris Brown thing is still a question. I read the police report. He didn't just hit her....he beat her continually, he tried to kill her by choking her.

How do we know he did this? Well, he publically apologized to her via the media. He admitted guilt and then sent out that bullshit statement of getting help from his pastor, his mother...blah blah blah.

Anyone that has worked with domestic violence or rape victims knows that it wasn't the first time that the offender was caught.

It IS NEVER ok to be hit.

It is not just married people that are taking part in this activity...1 out of 4 girls under the age of 20 who have a steady boyfriend are being abused by him.

1 out of 4. Amazing.

We can keep preaching to our children how wrong this is...but then Pop stars or whatever the heck they are do this and the media is giving excuses why he did it???

He's a 19 year old kid...yes, I love his voice...now would I listen to him, no. I won't buy anything and unfortunately I have the soundtrack from This Christmas. That will be going in the trash can.

I certainly am not an expert on the subject, but I have done a lot of work with Rape victims and battered women and I see the patterns.

Lock Chris Brown up. I don't care. He tried to kill her. And if she takes him back...well, Rhianna's self loathing must be very high.

Love does not hurt.

Love doesn't hurt. If he BEAT you once, he will beat you again.

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