Thursday, March 5, 2009

Do you ever have those dreams that seem so real that when you wake up, always too quickly, that you are sure that the event happened? Sometimes they are superficial and stupid but obviously something that was tucked back in the dark parts of your brain. They can be something useful to you like a dream about someone special that has passed's almost like you get to see them again, talk, and often it makes you feel very good. My sister and I had dreams of talking to our parents for a few years after they died. We both would always ask them "aren't you dead?" I know it sounds rather blunt, but it is what apparently popped into our brains. The terrible feeling thru a dream after we had split all of their property, belongings, and money that they came back and really weren't dead but were really angry they didn't have any money. Actually my sister has this dream more than I do since she was the one that actually split up all their money and property.
I seem to have several reoccuring dreams that have been with me for years. One is the dream of driving over a large suspension bridge over dark water and the bridge falls. I even tense up when I have to drive on the bridge over the Mississippi or in Charleston. Not a fan. I also have a dream that I live with a Chinese family. I don't mean just a normal every-day Chinese family, I mean the kind that has the pony-tails and silk robes. That one I have never been able to figure out. I also have the dream of going to the beach house but instead of the normal house it is this huge mansion with a dark pool and a hidden bedroom that only I know about and can find. I'm sure a psycho-analyst would have a field day on those...funny I have never told my therapist at the time anything about them. They aren't too alarming, the car off the bridge does tend to get my heart rate up but I manage to awaken.
I am a firm believer that people that have passed away that you loved do come back to you in your dreams. I don't know how to prove it other than to tell you it happens...and it's a wonderful, comforting feeling to know. They seem to come more when you're going thru the hardest part of the grief, but I will tell you, my grandparent's have been gone over 20 years and when I'm really very stressed I have a dream about them comforting me.
Maybe it is just repressed memories of those you loved and the brain is an amazing instrument, but maybe, just maybe it's real.
My sister is much more believing than I am in that type of thing and I have, in the past, teased her about such things. But she has opened my eyes to a couple of being something we shared over the loss of a very very dear family friend. I won't get into specifics, but it completely freaked me out for days, and we both experienced it at the same moment. In fact, she had to point it out to me, at first I laughed and said "sure" and then when I saw it...Sweet Jesus.
And then you can have such purely silly last night I dreamed I walked past a mirror and my eyes were aged. Yep, wrinkles like a woman in her 90's...funny, I thought in my dream, I'm only in my 40's, why do my eyes look like that? Ah, probably just my brain telling me of things to all catches up to you eventually. You just cannot fool your own mind.

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