Monday, August 10, 2009

The DIY bug & Bridezillas

Every so often the DIY bug bites and I start on a path of "what will I do with the house now?". This time it's the living room. I have several pieces of furniture that will be recovered professionally by Dan and a few pieces of furniture that will be passed along to family members.
I've decided in the living room that less is more, so the big sofa will be given away and the two love seats will take center stage by the fireplace.
Because the bug hit I had the TV in the den on most of the weekend to the DIY, HGTV, and one other "do it yourself" type channel. They make it seem so easy. Plus I was assembling a new Italian cabinet and needed a distraction from the instructions and the extra hardware pieces that didn't fit.
I like the show where the contractor tells you you can put your own kitchen cabinets in and save $10,000. I guess you can if there are two or more of you and a camera crew and the contractor there to make sure it goes smoothly.
I will attempt to redo the living room by painting first and recovering furniture, we'll see about anything much more adventurous.
Now on to Bridezillas...what is up with these women? This show may be the ultimate showcase of evil, spoiled, manipulative bitches. Surely it is scripted because no one can be that mean to their friends, family, and fiance without being beaten senseless by one or all of the above. When you spend the 30 minutes muttering to yourself "what a bitch!" then it really isn't the type of show to be watching at all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Great Ideas from 5 great bosses

1. Become a small picture kind of boss - the best leaders will bring overall goals and objectives down to the smallest details of individual jobs. Learn to help everyone, at every level.

2. Nuke the Blackberry when at home - Many execs say their organization can't run without them. You might be surprised to learn the percentage of bosses who never check messages or emails after hours.

3. Stop treating vacations as an option - top execs use the vacations to re-charge and clear their minds. These ones say that their breaks make them more effective and creative.

4. Improve the preparation for hiring new players - Most organizations do really crappy interviewing. Now more than ever anyone joining your organization is well screened and the best firt for the job.

5. Develop your memory - The best leaders remember names, job roles, hobbies, partner's names, and more.

6. Exercise your body as well as your mind - enough said

7. Learn these words: "I made a mistake" and then say them as required.

8. Track how your spend your time - the finest managers spend their time where the best payoff is likely to come.

9. Don't demi-task - Top execs know that nobody can multitask effectively over the long haul. They've figured out how to focus with laser-like precision.

10. Celebrate success

Monday, July 6, 2009

If life reflected the Food Network

If life reflected the Food Kate Hopkins

All pantries would be fully stocked.
All stores and markets would stock even the most rarest of ingredients and products.
A cook would never burn themselves while cooking.
Every dish would come out right the first time.
No one would have to exercise, nor watch their weight, ever.
Every dish would taste amazing.
Cooking would never be interrupted by a phone call, a knock on the door, or a screaming child.
Every knife would be appropriately sharpened.
Everyone would own the best of equipment.
Every kitchen would have equipment for even the most obscure of cooking techniques.
All ovens would be precise in their temperature.
No one would have to clean the kitchen, as the interns would do it.
All music played in the kitchen would be light jazz.
Wine would be the world's most popular beverage.
Everyone would have the time and energy to cook happily every day.
Restaurants would always be packed.
Restaurants would never have health issues.
Restaurant owners would never skimp on costs.
Fish can be bought with impunity, as there's an endless supply.
Vegetarians would be statistically insignificant.
No one would ever hear of any cuisine that didn't come from America, Western or Southern Europe, or Japan.
All meals could be made between 30 to 60 minutes.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Happy birthday to my nephew. This is a bit premature as your day isn't until July 1 when you will turn the big 30. Welcome to it. Just remember, "Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened." I believe all the great life lessons you learn after you turn 30, or at least you start to really understand what you might have been told before.
The night you were born I wasn't there. I had been "volunteered" to stay with an elderly friend of a great aunt. Only your grandmother (my mother) could do that to me. The next morning I was told you had been born. I went up to the hospital that afternoon.
I wish for you this weekend a great gathering of friends and family who love you. Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. I know you won't turn into vinegar.
As Thoreau said: "If you want to be happy, be"

A very happy 30th birthday weekend extravaganza.


Friday, June 19, 2009

The lure of the blackberry

ok, while at lunch or during an interview DO NOT answer your email via's just so rude and quite honestly, it is awkward. You're not THAT important that you cannot conduct an interview for a professional position without sending out emails.


Maybe it is because I am back in Oklahoma and working downtown with all the glass, metal, and cement that I'm noticing how unGodly hot it is already in June. My guess is that July and August will be l-o-v-e-l-y. It will be like walking in a blast furnace going to the car at 5 p.m. I do have an appointment tomorrow morning to get my hair done (cut & color) perhaps I should just have him shave my head and be done with it. No, wait, I can't do that, my hair keeps the sweat from pouring down my face.
I went with my new boss today to Joe Mamma's for lunch. It was pretty darned good. I had the Italian, I'm not sure there was enough salami and other italian meats on it.
But it was a cool place and I'm told the pizza is incredible and they are open until 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday with live music and serving food. That's great, but it's highly unlikely that I will be out until 3 a.m. Those days are gone. 3 a.m. is prime sleeping time.
It's pretty cool what they are doing in downtown Tulsa...they are making an all-out effort to revitalize it. For way too many years, probably since the 50's or 60's downtown has been the place to work and then go...yes, the Performing Arts Center is here, but let's face it, they used to bring in much bigger performers and shows. If they can kick the ballet and the Opera in the ass and keep the road companies of Broadway showing up then the PAC will work. The BOK Center has been a HUGE shot in the arm...the acts that come thru there are amazing. AEROSMITH is coming for Christ's sake, oh, right, and Britney Spears (God help us all. I'd rather have a sharp stick to the eye than sit thru her concert) ....I've got tickets for three separate concerts thru September and I've already seen two.
But it's the little restaurants and living space that will really make this place shine. I noticed they are completely renovating one of the old buildings on 1st street into Lofts.
I still like my Midtown location but I'm digging working downtown again. It's been over 25 years since I worked here during college breaks. Some thing have changed, a lot.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Get a Job

It is a great, grand, and wonderful thing to want to save the world and those living on it and in it.

But I have a bit of a, hmmmmm, what is the word....bone to pick?

When you're a student...and I'm talking from middle school until college graduation, no-one blinks if you are out protesting (peacefully) or supporting great causes. In fact, doing those things throughout your life is an amazing accomplishment...but when you are an adult, have a source of income that allows you to do good for others without borrowing from others.

I keep getting these blog announcements and bulletins about how people are saving the world, animals, children, the earth and these "people" keep borrowing money because they are unwilling to go get a job, they think they deserve to live a certain way, with certain perks and WE as their friends and acquaintances should be willing to sign a personal check because they can't pay their electrical bill or their car payment.

If you're going to head up a big endeavor to save something; the planet, the animals, the children raise money as you would for any charity or fundraiser.

Get a job. I'm sorry that your degree in business or marketing or political science isn't what you want to do with your life. Join the club.

When you already owe most of your friends and family thousands of dollars...don't keep pumping that well because it is dry and you have not intention of paying anything back. "When this takes off, I'll pay you back." When what takes off? When a good cause gets money from you exactly how is that a windfall for you?

Oh, and when you ask for thousands of dollars because your car broke down and you don't have any income don't get angry and upset because your friends won't give you the money. They've had's over...and honestly you've pretty much lost a friend.

There is nothing wrong with lending a friend or a family member money. We've all done it...and everyone usually pay it back when they can...that is to say...when they get income, they pay some or all of it back.

Don't rely upon your looks and your sparkling personality on this one. It might work the first time and it might work with strangers but it's so not working with friends.

When you do owe a friend money don't disappear. That says only one thing. "I'm not paying you back, I have no intention of paying you back."

Yes, we'd all like to live on the coast and drive a German car and wear designer clothes and go out every night to dinner or cocktails and not have to work.

But most of us don't live on the coast, don't drive a German car (at least if we do we can afford the monthly lease and insurance and repair costs) we cook at home six out of seven nights.

Yes, you can razzle-dazzle the "in-crowd" by being cool and such a humanitarian until they find out you owe everyone and really your shallowness in one area overshadows your good intentions.

Get a job.

There are many, many people that work at their careers or their jobs and quietly designate "x" number of hours in community service. They don't really brag about it, they just do it because they feel the need to give back or to help those less fortunate. Be one of them. Have some integrity.

Don't call or email us again about how your "friends" are letting you down by not shelling out good money after bad.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The peanut butter and brown sugar sandwich!

My poor, dear friends. I feel so sorry for you all, that you have lived this many years without knowing the glory, the inexpressible joy, of a Peanut Butter and Brown Sugar sandwich. Well, your search for the perfect food is over.

No longer will after-school snacks be dull. Never again will you need to wonder what to have when you are craving a midnight snack. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. This unassuming little sandwich will satisfy, no matter what the occassion.

Step 1: Take out a slice of bread. One of the great things about the Peanut Butter and Brown Sugar sandwich is that it tastes equally fabulous on whole wheat or white bread (unlike the lesser pb&j sandwich, which is pretty yucky on wheat bread.) Spread your bread slice with a thin layer of peanut butter.

Step 2: Sprinkle brown sugar on top of the peanut butter. Use your fingers to sort of pat it into the pb and push it to the edges.

Step 3: Place the other piece of bread on top and give it a little smoosh. Some people only use the one piece of bread and then fold it like a taco so none of the brown sugar falls out. Proper smooshing technique should keep this from happening in the two piece method.

Or you can cut it into triangles. My sister and I have always known the bliss of eating this sandwich...I don't know who taught it to our mother....but it is a wonderful thing. Don't turn up your noses until you've tried it.

There isn't a proper wine that goes with this sandwich...I prefer milk.

AEP/PSO kiss my hiney...

For the past several weeks the Asplundh tree people have spent time in our neighborhood trimming trees of 5 years growth. Some trees they just removed which was fine with me. They trimmed huge branches from my oak trees. These oaks are huge....many, many years old. My backyard looks worse than when the ice storm hit in 2007. I knew they would return eventually and cut up and chip away what they had piled in my backyard.
Today, a PSO representative rang my doorbell and told me that they would be back "sometime next week" to start getting rid of the wood. However, they would need to take down 12 feet of my privacy fence. Uh, hello, WTF?
I told him "no".
He blinked and acted most surprised and asked me why. I told him the Asplundh people had no trouble getting through the very wide gates I have both at my driveway and on the South side of the house. I also told him I knew too many people where PSO had taken down their fence to work and ruined it, or it took weeks, sometimes months to get it repaired.
In addition, I have dogs, and twice when PSO "broke in" to read my meter, they literally broke my fence. My fence is locked because I want no dogs going out and no strangers coming in. Twice when PSO broke in my backyard, they left the broken gate open and dogs ran out later to be found by a panicked me when I arrived home and found them gone.
So, no.
My refusal apparently irritated Mr. PSO Man and I don't care. If he does what I think he's going to....delay the limb removal, I'm going to start calling both PSO and Asplundh customer service on at thrice daily basis.
I know, bury the lines!
Every other place I have lived the electrical lines are buried. We have wind "micro bursts" every spring and fall, we have tornadoes, we have ice storms, which always, in some part of Tulsa cause the lines to fall and we are without power and then we end up paying for the work in our bill.
Well, I am willing to pay for buring the lines.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Enter on the RIGHT!

People we don't live in Britain or Australia. Don't be so rude and come in the left door when someone is correctly exiting.

Wait to enter an elevator until everyone has gotten off...same goes for getting on a subway, train, any public transportation. WAIT until those passengers get out before you start pushing yourself in...this is especially true at the airport.

I think we all need to take a class in manners and etiquette because it appears almost everyone has forgotten.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Never ok....

I love the message we are still giving to young girls..."it's ok to be hit by your boyfriend"

I find it amazing that this whole Rhianna/Chris Brown thing is still a question. I read the police report. He didn't just hit her....he beat her continually, he tried to kill her by choking her.

How do we know he did this? Well, he publically apologized to her via the media. He admitted guilt and then sent out that bullshit statement of getting help from his pastor, his mother...blah blah blah.

Anyone that has worked with domestic violence or rape victims knows that it wasn't the first time that the offender was caught.

It IS NEVER ok to be hit.

It is not just married people that are taking part in this activity...1 out of 4 girls under the age of 20 who have a steady boyfriend are being abused by him.

1 out of 4. Amazing.

We can keep preaching to our children how wrong this is...but then Pop stars or whatever the heck they are do this and the media is giving excuses why he did it???

He's a 19 year old kid...yes, I love his would I listen to him, no. I won't buy anything and unfortunately I have the soundtrack from This Christmas. That will be going in the trash can.

I certainly am not an expert on the subject, but I have done a lot of work with Rape victims and battered women and I see the patterns.

Lock Chris Brown up. I don't care. He tried to kill her. And if she takes him back...well, Rhianna's self loathing must be very high.

Love does not hurt.

Love doesn't hurt. If he BEAT you once, he will beat you again.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have had enough of the "funny" emails from ultra-conservative Republicans that are racial slurs against the President. Look, he's been in office not two months....and I'm sure you don't agree with anything he is doing because he's trying to fix what one other President did over an 8 year period. AND stop sending the crap that Clinton started all of this because HE balanced the budget and lowered the deficit.

I put up with a Republican President, even supported him at first before I found out he lied about everything, put our military in harm's way, and pretty much screwed up the country.

You can make fun of Obama all you want...but DO NOT send me racial slurs. They aren't funny. I'm not laughing.

Amazingly these don't come from the redneck Oklahoman that only got out of 8th grade...these come from men who are educated, have successful careers and still find this type of childish email funny.

IT isn't. It also isn't funny to send emails about how stupid women are. Ok, we get it, you have issues.

I now ignore and delete all emails from these men....they wonder why I don't respond.

These same people wonder what happened to respect and family values. Well you need to point that racist finger back at yourself and start looking in the mirror.
Do you ever have those dreams that seem so real that when you wake up, always too quickly, that you are sure that the event happened? Sometimes they are superficial and stupid but obviously something that was tucked back in the dark parts of your brain. They can be something useful to you like a dream about someone special that has passed's almost like you get to see them again, talk, and often it makes you feel very good. My sister and I had dreams of talking to our parents for a few years after they died. We both would always ask them "aren't you dead?" I know it sounds rather blunt, but it is what apparently popped into our brains. The terrible feeling thru a dream after we had split all of their property, belongings, and money that they came back and really weren't dead but were really angry they didn't have any money. Actually my sister has this dream more than I do since she was the one that actually split up all their money and property.
I seem to have several reoccuring dreams that have been with me for years. One is the dream of driving over a large suspension bridge over dark water and the bridge falls. I even tense up when I have to drive on the bridge over the Mississippi or in Charleston. Not a fan. I also have a dream that I live with a Chinese family. I don't mean just a normal every-day Chinese family, I mean the kind that has the pony-tails and silk robes. That one I have never been able to figure out. I also have the dream of going to the beach house but instead of the normal house it is this huge mansion with a dark pool and a hidden bedroom that only I know about and can find. I'm sure a psycho-analyst would have a field day on those...funny I have never told my therapist at the time anything about them. They aren't too alarming, the car off the bridge does tend to get my heart rate up but I manage to awaken.
I am a firm believer that people that have passed away that you loved do come back to you in your dreams. I don't know how to prove it other than to tell you it happens...and it's a wonderful, comforting feeling to know. They seem to come more when you're going thru the hardest part of the grief, but I will tell you, my grandparent's have been gone over 20 years and when I'm really very stressed I have a dream about them comforting me.
Maybe it is just repressed memories of those you loved and the brain is an amazing instrument, but maybe, just maybe it's real.
My sister is much more believing than I am in that type of thing and I have, in the past, teased her about such things. But she has opened my eyes to a couple of being something we shared over the loss of a very very dear family friend. I won't get into specifics, but it completely freaked me out for days, and we both experienced it at the same moment. In fact, she had to point it out to me, at first I laughed and said "sure" and then when I saw it...Sweet Jesus.
And then you can have such purely silly last night I dreamed I walked past a mirror and my eyes were aged. Yep, wrinkles like a woman in her 90's...funny, I thought in my dream, I'm only in my 40's, why do my eyes look like that? Ah, probably just my brain telling me of things to all catches up to you eventually. You just cannot fool your own mind.

Friday, February 20, 2009


somehow I have several projects going, knitting a scarf, crocheting a blanket, and scrap booking all of those old photos.
I am no where as good as my niece Beth, but I can knit a mean scarf. Since it's been a long time since I crocheted anything, I'm getting my hands trained again. I remember crocheting was something my mother and my grandmother taught me to do...Mom could whip out these lace doily's and I thought her fingers used to fly. There were so many crafty type things my Grandmother and Mother used to do and taught me....crocheting, needlepoint, cross-stitch, quilting, sewing. It's funny how that stuff all comes back to you when you put your mind to it. I don't plan on doing any quilts soon, but it is an idea.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I had to post this picture of my youngest nieces; Evie and Cora. Cora joined her big sister in January. February finds me working downtown at the 320 S Boston building in a covert mission for a pipeline company. We are setting up their new Purchasing Department whilst their current VP of Procurement is set to retire this month. He doesn't know the owners are doing this. I've been working about 20 hours a week which I love. It gives me time to actually do stuff! I can see the hours changing soon to full time. Lucy the beagle broke her foot two weeks ago and is unencumbered by her cast. I have no clue how she did it but if you watch the two beagles tear around the backyard, jumping, climbing, etc., I have no doubt is was an athletic injury. So $300 later, Lucy has her cast on. It is not stopping any of her activities including climbing up on the kitchen counter and pulling a package of chicken breasts down and consuming all.
It's also the 5 year mark since Mom died...I thought I'd attach a couple of her. I just know how very much she would love her new greatgrandaughters and how much she would welcome the newest grand-daughter Beth into her heart. Miss you Mom.